vivaldi rock (animation, visual music video, 4:13)

vivaldi rock (2008, 4:13) is a 3d visual music video made with blender

visit the stills gallery blog post


download (“save as”):

h.264/mpeg-4 - tested in quicktime and the free and open-source vlc

(640 x 480): high res (212 mb) - medium res (115 mb)

(320 x 240): small low res (55 mb)

*** update (17.06.08): two new flash video conversions (320x240 and 640x480) have been added to the video’s page on the internet archive. the new 320×240 flash conversion is now also the one on the video’s page. ***


watch (flash video on

*** note that the current flash video conversion is not optimal for this video. until a solution is found downloading of at least the medium res (115 mb) version is recommended for an optimal viewing experience when watching the video full screen - thank you! ***

published under a creative commons by-nc-sa license


I liked it (I watched the version). I think that for most of it a given sequence of a few dozen seconds is good, but the video doesn’t seem to really go anywhere, or have a lot of movement. Of course, that may be fully intentional, or I could be missing something - it’s been known to happen many times.

Sometimes when the camera revolves around the cylinders, the full wireframe of the sides can be seen. Is this intentional? Also, at around 2:20 during such a revolution scene, the repetitiveness can get a bit dizzying.

Well done overall!


Thanks for watching! I would say that it is a “visual” first and then a “music video” (that’s why I call it a “visual music video”) and the story works on an associative level, there is one and I have my interpretation of it, but it is meant to leave room for associative/visual thinking… However this only fully works if the image quality is on a certain level and the (current) Flash conversion on is not really optimal…

What looks like the wire frame is in fact part of the toon rendering - if you look closely there are other occasions where you can see the visual’s structure reflected in the toon rendering (mostly when the camera is closer to them).

The current Flash Video conversion on unfortunately is rather poor in certain places (e.g. at the end of the last third where you see them turning around in concentric circles as in the attached image to this post). If you can I recommend comparing your initial viewing experience with the medium res version: in this case I feel that the (current) Flash Video is like going to a modern art museum and then having to look at cheap photocopies of the paintings… You might not even know what you are missing…!

I already mailed support and asked about a better conversion, but I’ll also try one myself and will post the link here later today!

*** update (17.06.08): two new flash video conversions (320x240 and 640x480) have been added to the video’s page on the internet archive. the new 320×240 flash conversion is now also the one on the video’s page. ***