VJ set at pinkCow

I put this mixed movie on screen at Tony’s workshop at PinkCow Japan.


Wow! That was really something! The parts I loved the most were where the flowers were growing up through the city and the cat flying around on the fish bowl (or was it a ball?)

Thanks! The city cut is from"amelia’s magic" and the cat is on firework’s rocket.

Once again, fantastic work! I wish I could have been there to see it live!

wohoo… nice!!

loved the ugly shiny pig like thing :slight_smile:


veeeeeery cool! i like it a lot!


Ekakiya, I’m glad you posted this! It really went over well live. I think it inspired a lot of people there that evening. We’ll have to get an event like that together again!

Moved to the gallery.

Awesome work.


Impressive Stuff!

Holy crap. WOW! 10 stars! Oops no 10 stars. 5 STARS THEN!

Son of a… That was GREAT. So like my dreams. I’ve only been Blending for like three weeks, and that is all the encouragement I’ll need for a long time. Five Stars.

Brilliant film. Does anyone know what the name of the song is that plays during the tonny section and starts at around 5:30?

I cannot even imagine the amount of work went into this! The artistic style is superb, and to get the result from your mind into this visual imagery is an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations on a most excellent achievement.

ps-The Youtube encoding darkens and does not do it justice.

5 huge sparkling stars!!!

Hugs ekakiya.

Very cool.

I love second one very much, I wish i would be there to enjoy the thrill.

Both pics r quite different but I don’t like 'em much.SORRY.

Nice vid! Like all the blending!

Oooo that’s really something else