Volcano Projectile Effects

Can anyone upload a blend with a firey smoke effect as one would see behind a meteor or a volcano projectile? I already modeled the object and an effect - the object looks great - but the trail of firey smoke behind it (which I made) looks awful.

It would be for my game “Falling Eggs” which I plan to release by easter. If you missed the post, the game is to be free to everyone, so it’s not like your helping me with something proprietary.

If you contribute, your name will be in the credits.:stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the GE can support particles can it?

Dakka Dakka: You can fake particles with textures.
Mr. Crunchy: Have you looked at Monster’s Tutorials? If not, search, if so… well sorry for not really helping.

Can you? Great! That means the GE is even more powerful than I thought. (Man that’s happened alot today.)

http://gameblender.wikia.com/wiki/Particlebasic here is the tutorial, there are more. ofcourse this aren’t real particles, but u create something to look like particles

Thanks for the tutorial, but I already knew how to fake particles. I’m just really bad at it. That’s why I wanted someone to make the firey/smoke effect for me.

here’s a simple little thing, lmb to lob a rock. the fire basically follows monster’s tutorial, he has a smoke tutorial too, but I was lazy.

edit hey that’s a cool blend you posted Captain Oblivion … oops left that out the “COOL” doh!

hey that’s a blend you posted Captain Oblivion
uhm… is that a problem?