
Just playing with BWF… to test it :wink:


Must tweak those trees a bit…


:o :o :o :o

That crater system is just great, I mean great. Man, the whole world forge is great. I jut love it.
You’ve done helluva job so far mr. S68

Oh, let’s start with the scene. Cellshading… I think this would look great in cellshaded, then there would be no reason to alter the trees. :wink:

Okay - what’s BWF?


There you go Harkyman. BWF = Blender World Forge = something cool S68 has been making for us. :wink:

very good looking, but it’s hard to get a sense of scale here. nothing to tell how big the island is. it could be a huge volcano with giant trees or a small peak with some shrubs/weeds.

Stefano, BWF is looking very good indeed. :o :o

Are the trees part of BWF too, or have you added those afterwards?


Thanx guys


Thanx, actually the ilsland has a peak to make the mountain, and a crater on top. Wth the plain crater function you won’t get a high mountain :wink:

Some script I’m playing with :wink:

I agree, and I believe it is the dupliverted ‘trees’ fault, mainly.

Added afterwards, but I might consider building a few types of basic trees and scatter them on the mesh automatically according to some slope/heigh rule…

Actually clouds too are added afterwards, and those too could be somehow automated…

Thanx again


Nice island ! I wonder if it would be possible to erode river channels into it, like with the free “World Machine” program for terragen ?

S68 wrote :

Added afterwards, but I might consider building a few types of basic trees and scatter them on the mesh automatically according to some slope/heigh rule…

Actually clouds too are added afterwards, and those too could be somehow automated…

Then all you’d need is automatic empty placement for the water… fully automatic world forging ! Drool…

Nicely done…Gonna check BWF later…

Was this rendered in blender? Im guessing it is, so how did you get that reflecting water like that?

“Take me to… the volcano!!”

Good work S68! The water looks really good.

S68 what you mean by “real Multifractal and Ridged Multifractal noises, as
for real terrain generators.” in the ToDo, list ?

Also I was wondering, will there be a sky dome for the flat areas ?

Thanx again :slight_smile:

Not aware of that, link?

Pure Blender, yes… water is well, basically a plane with a large stucci bump and a fine stucci ‘wall out’ bump, with an envmap.

Used the knife script to divide the emerged fronm the submerged land, and, in making the envmap the latter is on a hidden layer to avoid problems.

The plane is then a little ‘alpha’ 0.7 or so, and the ‘submerged’ land is painted with a quote dependent blend texture from very clear (top) to deep blue(bottom) to fake (not extremwly well indeed) different water colour according to depth.

Thanx… just explained how it is done :wink:

I mean better fractal functions, like those used by terragen. The one I use from CGKit are indeed multifractal (fMb and turbulence are) but I think terragen’s are abit better :slight_smile:

I don’t know. Actually I’m more concerned in meshes than on textures, so a skydome,
which is a plain half sphere with a texture is not high priority.

This does not mean that I might add textures in the distributions, sooner or later :slight_smile:

Thanx again


Hey S68 thats pretty cool.

ok for the fractal thing i personally don’t like terragens ones (just my personal opinion)

i quite liked ones from a really crappy little program called, well i’m not sure but i think it was called world maker or somthihing.

all it did was create a colour or B&W BMP file then i imported it into teragen and erroded it a bit (to smooth out a few jaggys)

and these were my results (my favorite terragen terrain ever that i have never been able to repeat in terragen and simialr mountains or anthing)

well heres the images, i’m sure i could find the program that did the terrain if you really want it.



These are some links I have collected with Terragen based tools, such as height field maps and plugins. The height maps can be used within Blender with the noise function. I’m unsure if BWF can use them as I can’t run it without 2.27. :<



http://www.terrasight.net/index-eng.html Height maps.



Hope these are of some help to you all. :smiley:


And here is the link to World Machine, a fun program that doesn’t give you the same abilty to sculpt the terrain as terragen does but it makes much better terrains. Don’t think it’s open source though.


wow, one word… impressive, another word, stuff… I like how this came out! hope your script works out ok, man this is incredible! I like

Great pic. The trees do look a bit cartoony but not a major problem. The trees need to gradually faze (ignore spelling) out towards the top rather than stopping at a definate line as they seem to at the moment.

wow s68, nice!!!

you’ve inspired me to go out and make a nice out door scene, something i haven’t got the hang of. :wink:

Oh, why didn’t you say so, I have a pretty good ideal how it worked, it uses a bit map created by a paint program, then it use the pixel shading to determen the amount of extruding, like the one seen here http://www.sdsc.edu/projects/vrml/tools/im2wrl/help/im2wrl.html If you plan on using noise to create spikes and stuff like that as seen in bryce, then I’m assuming it use an alpha map that is applied to the current image and the extruding is redone.

If you interested in python real time extruding, here’s a link http://users.commspeed.net/tbabbitt/rbranch_strangness5.htm but I’m sure that new displacement script that’s being created for MakeHuman script will work just as well.

However, I like the 3D fractial look and it may be easer, if you interested, then look here http://www.techlar.com/fractals/websys.exe?file=gallery/vistas.html There’s also a how to on how these are created http://www.gameprogrammer.com/fractal.html

If you looking for help and ideals I think this would be some great insistents. http://www.vterrain.org/ http://www.martinb.com/

If you do decide to go with an extruding with image, I would think it would be a good ideal if the colors can be defined with the etrudsion value. A cool way of making a terrain moving image would be to use a real time displacement map and texture animation.

If you want to look into other things or searching for tools to aid you in your quest, have a look at my link for such a purpose. http://awalker.freeservers.com/link2.htm