Volleyball Animatioin

Heres an aniamtion i made, critics, comments…:

-edited- sorry i had to remove the link beacause i would alays get bandiwdth exceedes message

I like the floor textures. I’d say there are some changes I’d make to the camerawork (mostly timing and pacing). Is the volleyball textured? I’d consider maybe putting on a volleyball UV texture with a little bit of bump (or you could model the individual panels… saw a tut on that somewhere some time ago). You also might want to play with that netting. Right now it comes off a bit too much like a wooden fence. Maybe subsurf it a bit to get rid of those edges.

The look you have currently fits together stylistically, but a few tweaks here n’ there might not hurt. Do you plan on having any kind of sound in this?

BTW, forgive my ignorance, but what/who is Yara?

is it just me or was this posted twice?

I think it was, but the other one had nothing but people posting about how they couldn’t get the link to work.