Volume and surface area calculations


I apologize if this is the wrong thread for this. I started using Blender yesterday as a way to create models of some ceramic vessels I am looking at for my PhD. I created primitive meshes of a few of the vessels in some of the usual and more unusual shapes I have examples of. My plan is to calculate their exterior surface area and interior volume, however I am running into a few problems.

I have tried the 3D print option for this but the results do not seem to equal what I think they should be on the control pot (I know that they won’t match up perfectly, but I imagine that they should be in the ballpark). Being pots they have an open end on them which I think is resulting in something not being correct. The other thing is that I think my meshes are not done correctly or closed correctly.

If anyone has time to have a look and tell me what I am doing wrong I would really appreciate it, I have attached the file to this post. I have about 300 of these to do so I would like to make sure I can get the results I need before I start.

Vessels1.blend (1.31 MB)

My control is IP0025, the surface area should be: 336.9 cm2 and the volume should be: 751.7 cm3. Again, I don’t imagine these will match perfectly, but they should be in the ballpark.

you can try the Sverchok addon… it has volume and area analysers…

a small test with your IP0025 object gave:

Area= 0.033576103031046314 m²
Volume (had to cap the top) = 0.0007468574913218617 m³

Thanks for that Secrop, that did it.