Volvagia, UPDATE

I started “Volvagia” the boss of the fire temple from Zelda :Ocarina of Time. Those of you who’ve played it will hopefully recognize him.

I still need to add his fiery mane, although tried a few approaches and havent got great results, any tips? He still needs tiny teeth, firey glow and glossier eyes, but those are on the way. I’ve still got to make a background too


Any tips, comments and crits are needed.

oh, dude! Best boss ever! Sweet job recreating him, I cant wait to see the fire added though.


A managed to get some decent looking flames for his neck area, still not entirely happy with them. I also added some other minour details [dof, small flames, etc.] I’m still not sure of what sort of background to use


Crits wanted.

Yeow, crazy! :smiley:

I’m not really sure, but some edge highlights could add an interesting punch to it. Don’t take my word for it, tho…