This is my first attempt at creating something of my own with Blender. There is still a lot of things to do, like a side ventilation window, new rims, better textures, clean up the wire frame and a lot of other bits and bobs. And I’m not sure about the color of the car, maybe white, maybe black or something completely different.
The render is divided in three render layers. One contains just the 3D object (the car). One contains the plane under the car catching the shadows from the car. And one contains just the plane so I can subtract the plane from the shadows and composite it into the backplate in Blender. I’ve also added some lens distortions and blurring to simulate a bad photograph from the seventies on the first two images.
the only thing that bothers me, is that on the 2 back renders, the edges around the trunk look too sharp, but maybe this is on purpose.
maybe its actually on the real car
in a photo gallery everyone would think its real…