Voodoo python script running problem - no module mathutils

I just download Voodoo to try some camera tracking in blender. I followed a tutorial (http://fictionality.co.uk/doku.php?id=tutorials:matchmoving) and everything was working well until i had to run the python script. I got an error :

importerror: no module named mathutils

I’ve never messed around with python and running scripts so this is all new to me. If anyone can help me out, i appreciate it. Thanks

Blender.Mathutils is a sub module of Blender so its not missing from Python. You may need config your Blender.

How do I do that?

Which version do you use?

use blender 2.46. you can get it here : http://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.46/

you are also going to need python 2.5. get that here : http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5.4/

I have 2.49 with Python 2.6.2and 2.5(which has python 2.7)
Is Voodoo compatable with these newer versions? Do I need to use 2.46 for it to work?

What is that voodoo thing trying to do? It looks bogus to me.

VOODOO is updated to support Blender 2.5 …I would use THAT
How nice blender 2.49 is it is becoming ‘old’ …

I tried it in 2.5, I get the same error. I uploaded a screen shot it that helps.

missing mathutils is very strange … (not the newest version of Blender?)

Todays version says:

>>> import mathutils
>>> dir(mathutils)
[‘Color’, ‘Euler’, ‘Matrix’, ‘Quaternion’, ‘Vector’, ‘doc’, ‘name’, ‘package’]