Vorem FPS Beta 1

This is a FPS game made by IR Basic





Video will be coming soon!


Flash light
View bob
health system
bullet hole
sparks and dust
reloading animation
bullet shells


WASD to move
C or Leftctrl to crouch
Space to jump
Shift to sprint
Left mouse button to shoot

Download Links:

Game beta : http://megaupload.com/?d=UM26GAH1

That’s really good! Your weapon models and textures are great.
One thing: it seems to make more bulletholes than you fire.
And I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t shoot the guy in the store. :eyebrowlift2:
Looks awesome though, don’t quit!

Thanks! We are actually working on killing the guy in the store, as well as picking up the weapons, and the bullets coming out to fast.

Looks good! FPS gun textures are a bit low res, but looks nice :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

haha you used one of the combine from half life 2!

every thing nice …but is it legal to use a model from another game ?

It luks kwl well done! U using glsl? im busi with sumthng similiar, i post the beta soon.

It luks kwl well done! U using glsl? im busi with sumthng similiar, i post the beta soon.