Voronoi "Accidentally" produced the wrinkles I'm going for, how do I replicate it?

When I’m in cycles render with denoise turned on, I create a basic voronoi displacement. The color is inverted and the data is plugged into the height of a displacement map.

When I transition around the scene as in the screenshot, voronoi momentary produces the exact veiny texture I’m trying to create, as if to taunt me.

When the scene is done rendering, it doesn’t produce what I’m going for, it produces overly crispt, disjoint bumps that resemble perfecct semi-circles.

How can I make distorted veins/wrinks from voronoi?

Since Voronoi sometimes also is called Cellular because it produces a cell like pattern you might be better of with some musgrave stretched into one direction ( and maybe finetuned by a colorramp) like so:

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…maybe not what you’re looking for, but another way to voronoi. :slight_smile:


Thanks for all your help so far, I’ll play around with these ideas.

…still not what you’re looking for, but another way to voronoi. :slight_smile:

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