O’Reilly will be sending 6 open source projects to Comdex this year. Unfortunately Blender isn’t on the list - but perhaps some others that you would like to gain exposure are.
Perhaps with 2.3 coming out, and if we all help to increase the buzz about Blender we can be on the list next year.
O’Reilly cant have looked very far to make that list up
Most of those programs have a sourceforge site, maybe if we made blender more rubbish abandoned the 2 community sites, and jsut got a crappy sourceforge site. Then maybe we would get recognised.
Sorry the lack of knowledge of blender makes me grumpy. I think that building up to the 2.3 release we should try our hardest to get it more well known.
I managed to get it installed on my school network, and i have introduced a few friends to it. But we need to aim it at people who want it.
You make an interesting point - Blender isn’t on sourceforge. Would it be a huge pain in the butt to add sourceforge? Might the effort be worth the return in potential extra exposure?
I think blender wants to be independant of sourceforge… Ton said that the projects.blender.org is based on a sourceforge system but I think thats about it.