VOTING: Year-Long Blender Tourney Month #1

This is the first Monthly winners Poll.

When you vote here, dont let your taste, saying you like the bugs more or sumthin, get in your way… I want you all to pick the Entrie that you think took the most time, turned out better looking.
Just dont let your own “Flavour” bias the results.

they got a bit of a wierd crop on them for some reason… think its the new “old” forum size and what not heres and uncropped link to each

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3


Week #4

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3


Week #4

Remember to vote for the Detail, not for what it “is”.

Good Luck contestants!

Congrats to all who made it through to the monthly :smiley:

Purp, strange cropping on mine, but actually it is still all there if you RC it and view image? Mad? Actually most are cropped off!

Spinal Tom

Try scrolling the scroll bar at the bottom of Purple’s post.


Oh yeah, seems obvious now :spin:

lol well i honestly cant say nuthin lol

this needs bumped

and again lol we talk too much xD

well im going to go ahead and
Cuz ive got the topic for them to work on now =P

Congrats Rarebit for making it to the Finals!!
Surely lots of tough competition will be coming through.

Ill be sending you a PM of the Finals soon. And remember!!! You cant let anybody know what it is! otherwise they’ll get more time on it than you!! saying they win a monthlong vote :wink:

Congrats rarebit, the first official monthly winner! :smiley:

Well! Thankyou, I thought there was a while longer yet for voting? I also wondered if Spynal Tom was going to catch me, if you total his two entries votes it was a tie!

@PB, I’ve had a quick look at the PM, I like! Especially about the “smudges” (LOL, the only hint i’ll give!)

lol yea well yea Tom was close with both entries but thats not how it works :wink: u gotta remember even if yoiu win 2 both of ur entries wil be fighting eachother