When you vote here, dont let your taste, saying you like the bugs more or sumthin, get in your way… I want you all to pick the Entrie that you think took the most time, turned out better looking.
Just dont let your own “Flavour” bias the results.
they got a bit of a wierd crop on them for some reason… think its the new “old” forum size and what not heres and uncropped link to each
Ill be sending you a PM of the Finals soon. And remember!!! You cant let anybody know what it is! otherwise they’ll get more time on it than you!! saying they win a monthlong vote
Well! Thankyou, I thought there was a while longer yet for voting? I also wondered if Spynal Tom was going to catch me, if you total his two entries votes it was a tie!
@PB, I’ve had a quick look at the PM, I like! Especially about the “smudges” (LOL, the only hint i’ll give!)
lol yea well yea Tom was close with both entries but thats not how it works u gotta remember even if yoiu win 2 both of ur entries wil be fighting eachother