hmmm… not really sure what to say. The bagpipes were okay, tazdevyl’s seemed the worst (no offense or anything). But I definatly think that templar vaxus’s saxaphone was the best, and templar vaxus’s had way better composition, looked photo realistic, and the lighting looked pretty good.
it looks like he used a texture for the spot light, thats how he got the ground to have those musical notes. and the musical notes are also projected onto the saxaphone. thats why it looks see through. it looks like he project the image at the exact same angle as the camera.
Im glad you guys like it but in truth it isn’t always about being photorealistic. Im not really bothered about the voting aspect of this competition. I am mainly trying to improve as a blender user
Im a SHE. 2. You are aware the blender has a Ray mirror button, right?? 3. I know I’m not the best at the program, nor do I care if do or dont become that. I do it for the fun of it. I could care less if I win or lose, its just practice for me. People like what they like. When you asked your question it was a DAY later… I mean really??? 4. We are here to ENcourage people, not DIScourage them.
I’m definatly sorry if I sounded like I was criticizing your artwork. I’ve just been wondering why people seemed to like yours and helix’s better than something that i thought looked photo realistic, artistsic, and some rather good composition (that being templar vaxus’s). I understand that people have their own opinions, unfortunatly it ended up sounding like I didn’t care about other peoples opinions and that it wasn’t fair. I am sorry for putting less consideration into my comments. I wanted to hear the opinions of why people thought that yours was better rather than someones like templar vaxus’s or mine.
Apology accepted. As for the ray mirror comment, it was in reference on how you thought I did mine. Mine is quite simple really. Basically all the materials (with the exception of the wood) are reflective (ray mirror turned on) The part on the bottom is just a simple plane with a silver reflective material with the ray mirror also turned on. No texture lighting as you thought.
Some people like stylized, some people like mixture, some people like photo-realistic.
I will be honest though, you were in my top 3 choices, but in the end I went for Templar’s.
the comment about the light texture was for templar vaxus’s render. it appears that he used a texture on the light to make the musical notes on the floor. it was in response to purple bat’s curiosity.