Mr Campbell Barton you are in my bad books. :yes:
I grabbed you by the ear last time you wanted to axe vrml1 and said I needed this and it must be in C rather than python for speed reasons and you were agreeable.
It annoys me when you make arbitary calls like this without consultation.
Explain yourself buddy before I swim the Tasman and nail your wayward carcass to a tree .:mad:
He can take it. :evilgrin: He’s a Vegemite kid.
Seriously though this pisses me off. Blender 2.5 is already slow but loading large or many meshes in python is going to suck.
I dont know where he gets the idea vrml is a dead format. Vrml and stl are very useful to people with CAD programs bringing stuff to Blender for animation and rendering.
The exisitng code was fine and functional. Why kill it and make more work to make an add-on?
I bet he wouldnt dare do this if Ton used vrml. :yes:
Probably be better in the long run to have all the import/exporters in the same place/format.
And someday someone will get around to making those dog-slow python importers a little less slow.
hmm…less slow… yeah, maybe someone does them in C :D…and the vrml one looks not unlike the one that was just stripped out… :mad:
guess I’ll be sticking with 2.49 for quite a while… I’m grumpy :mad: , I know I shouldnt be grumpy :no:, but I’m grumpy :yes:…
why is it Aussies always bowl at Kiwis under arm??
Because kiwi’s are a bunch of whiners, and what better way to set a whiner off
Can an “add-on” be a snippet of C code? Like a .dll or something? If this were possible, not only would it save recoding many of these translation tools, but also save the performance hit…
It’ has been discussed some times in #blendercoders to have C/C++ plugins. I know XSI Softimage has it. But there’s a great security issue with C/C++ , and it could actually cause fullout crashes.
Not saying that a script language like Python wont, but it’s more secure atleast.
I think it’s a good thing to keep a python API and let scripting be in python.
if a script becomes to slow, or it’s a great feature it’s bound to enter the next level and be rewritten in C and sent upstream to the blenders source code.
anywhooo, what is this vrm1 ? and how could it be to slow. I don’t know what the issue is about , but it sounds like it should be rewritten in C.
Ya know, you can use 2.49 to import your models and then open the blend in 2.5x.
Just saying…
aermartin: Its just another triangulated mesh format. Its simple though and doesnt carry UV info. Its not so common for cg use but as I said it is still available in CAD programs and those typically dont export as .obj. 3ds or .dae.
Along with stl its about the only way to get a model out of CAD and into Blender.
stl is widely used for output to rapid prototyping machines.
Its important to me and anyone else with an interest in the stl and vrml formats that these are done in C.
Sometimes I have imported several thousand meshes that represent a whole machine. This takes ages as it is.
Uncle: I think its silly to strip out perfectly good code on a whim. Unfortunately Campbell has a small tendency to assume he can do things to the code like this.
Alltaken: I disown you. I hope someone makes a sheep joke about you…or ridicules your shorts.
Is there a reason for Blender to support lesser-known, lesser-used, and/or obscure formats because one person might be interested in using it? How many people still use VRML, you don’t hear about it that much these days.
It lies on the same train of logic as to why nearly nothing today is designed to run on very old versions of Windows like Win95/98
Ace Dragon strikes again!
Ok I give up. Fuck Blender 2.5+.
I’ll use 2.49 until I can find another program.
Can’t you just open vrml files in 2.49 and save, then open them in 2.5?
Shouldn’t you complain at those CAD programs that cost as much as a car and make them / whine to write a good exporter.
Wouldnt it be simpler all round if we just leave what we had in there??..
I really dont know why we get this twisted logic and then we get people from the community who arent affected by it stepping up to condemn ‘whining’.
I understand where Kernon comes from when he gets annoyed by the reponses to genuine matters of concern.
Look I cant be bothered. Campbell obviously cant be bothered either.
Stiff cheese to me. Topic closed…
Well big fan, you did put up a rant in the news and discussion. I mean. If you’re going to switch blender to something else; what software would it be? Fact is that CAD software has done nothing the last 10 years for the exporters.
I remember when I had to import vrml files in maya. It also was slow as hell. We are talking about over 15 minutes to import vrml files.
If it’s so important then maybe you should start a thread where you and people that care about vrml to join forces and pay a developer to add that feature to blender. Instead of buying Maya or max for several thousand dollars.
Not even that extreme.
Just have to get svn to spit out a diff of the commit that took out the exporters, reverse patch the source and there’s your exporter back…easy peasy.