VRML2 exporter problem

I’ve been using the wrl2export.py script for a while now and it’s been working perfectly. Today though while I was continuing work on a project, an error appeared seamingly out of nowhere and I’ve no clue what caused it. The console reads:

UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘c’ referenced before assignment

Anyone any ideas what has caused this and how to fix it? Previous versions of the world exported ok, all I’ve done today is added more faces to it.

Can post the .blend file if that helps.


I take it the script still works with other .blend files?
If not, I would suggest that you have inadvertently edited the .py script.

If it does still work, though, it sounds like your .blend file contains an element which has hitherto not needed to be exported.

In either case, the error message will give you the line number in the .py script which has generated the error. Check this out and try to work out why the variable ‘c’ has not been declared within the namespace. Keep a working copy of your script in case of slips.

Dave Coventry (Rink)