After my rather failed game Project Blank i wanted to do things right. This meant it should be playable by a dummy so it should be easy to get, install and play. So what did i do?
I made a first version of a MMO-race game with a ton of nice features.
Server browser: Servers can be found through a browser in game so no need to manually typ an IP.
A good online/LAN multiplayer script with:
----- dedicated serverscript (this is way faster and you don’t need to load blender or anykind of 3D)
----- LAN broadcast
----- TCP and UDP connection. (for precision and speed)
A menu controlled with a mouse (this was a issue in Project Blank).
A Database with cars and users.
A settings menu so you can choose your own controls, screen resolution and sound volume.
And of course all of the rest to make it work.
Because this is a online game you can register(Free) an account on my site and fully use Vroom Vroom.
If you just want to try out the game you don’t have to register! Just download the game and use the unregistered button. This means you can’t choose your car and as a penalty you’ll be 2x slower than everybody else.
Open source
All the code of VV may be used directly or indirectly in other Blender Engine based games. It would be nice if you mentioned me. If there is enough enthusiasm for the game I’ll make a clean plate so other people can add cars/maps. As a one-man team I don’t have the time to do the Art and the Code.
Recommended PC requirements
A 2.5Ghz single core or 2.0Ghz dual core cpu or better
512MB DDR2 ram or more
ATI Radeon X1650 Pro or better.
NVidia Geforce 7900GS or better
These are rather high settings but it isn’t the most ugly game around.
Python 2.6.6 (!Python 2.6.x is required to play the game)
It didnt worked here, It opens but I cant change any setting!
And about change the resolution on the menu, how did you made that, can you post an example?
Thanks for trying. It would help me if you could give me more info on why it did not work.
Along with the settings menu there starts a console, it might give some errors en therefor clues.
Edit: do you have python 2.6 installed?
What it basically does is starting a new executable, the launcher, with the parameters needed.
This menu could also be done in game but you have to start a new executable so you need a launcher of some sort. Also, it’s a save way to start a game in case the settings don’t work. (it might be pretty nasty if the game crashes in full screen mode, no experience though)
Thanks for trying. I’ve seen you trying to connect (i host the server that’s currently online) And i got the error: “Not connected properly.” This means your router might block the incoming TCP connection.
Try to port forward port no 9959 TCP and 9959 UDP(and optional 9960 UDP for a server).
ow and registering does not change the connecting process.
If you want to host a local server you might want to change the settings in the serverscript (just open it with a text editor and change lan = 1 in the main function) than you can also find you server through the browser (if you search for lan servers). Also check if you see any errors in the command line itself.
I have 2.6 version of python installed, but since you made the game by the blenderpayer, you cant just copy the python26 to the same folder to make it run? i dont know I m not a programer.
About the problem, the game just dont work, it starts that first menu window, but I cant press nothing, all the keys empty, I can t change the screen resolution, take a look on the image.
Your problem is kinda weird… line 1 is the import of cPickle. now I’m no expert on programming either(you can see that from all the errors/bugs i get back) so i don’t know how to fix this one.
I don’t know if putting the python folder inside the game works, i could give it a try and it would make things easier so people don’t have to download python separately though i don’t know if it would fix this problem.
You might have a really good point here. I thought both UDP traffic went on the same port but now i see the server send on port 9959 while the player sends on 9960 and the router might not understand that this is the same connection and therefor block the connection.
Well if you download the .zip or install the .exe you can see that the menu and the world are both .blends.
I’ll add the setting.blend and launcher to the zip as well just for the people who want to know how i did that one.Vroom Vroom 1.02 as .zip (with settings/launcher)
I tested the 1.02 version and the game keep the same way. I have problems with my blender to recognize that python is installed on my computer, maybe that is the problem. When I m working on BGE it works fine, but when it starts BGE shows on the console that python isnt is installed when. I dont know if is a problem because of the internal security of my OS or the compatibility of the versions I use 64 bits.
That might be a problem. I used 32bit blender and 32bit python to make this so it might not be compatible with 64bit python.
If it’s possible to include python in the game itself this should not be a problem but right now, i don’t know how to do that.
yeah… not everybody gets that system…
First click on username and press enter when your done. Then you get your mouse back. then the same with the password.