VScrollbar missing/avoid control stretching


just switched to 2.57b from the old UI.

Where’s the vertical scrollbar? For example:


The layer panel is much higher but I don’t see it. I have to make the whole render panel much higher to see it.

Another problem: If I set alignment to vertical, controls are stretched to the whole width of the panel. This looks ugly. Can I avoid it? I didn’t find a setting.


Thanks for reading.

The interface is not designed for a horizontal properties window. Use the default layout with a vertical window.

This is the default layout. Remeber this is the “Buttons” window which was always at the bottom, and I don’t intend to change it.

In any case, I think a window should be scrollable if the content doesn’t fit.

The default layout for 2.57b is not the same as 2.49b (if you open a 2.49b blend without unticking ‘load UI’ it will load the old layout not the default 2.57b layout). If you don’t want to change that is your choice but as you see the properties window just doesn’t work when layed out as in 2.49b. You’ll have to live with the issues you are wanting an answer to.

Celebrating my 25th anniversary of application development this year, I still think it should be scrollable. :wink: Anyway, thx for the “load UI” hint. Makes me live with it well.