Hello Community,
I have a question I was hoping to get help with. In the video sequencer, I cannot seem to get alpha over to work. Either I don’t understand the use of alphas or it’s a bug. Here is an example that will be easy to visualize in addressing this problem:
I have two images:
• One is a plane subdivided many times with a wireframe material.
• The other is simply a default cube.
They are both rendered out with blender from the same camera angle using PNG’s and no sky color. So everything around the cube is black and the grid shows all black except a shadless grid color (red). Same with the cube – just a cube with everything black around it.
I’m trying to achieve the effect where my cube will appear on top of my grid using the images alpha channels. But what happens it no matter what image I use, cube or grid, the image in top just completely blacks out the one on bottom. I have tried setting the image properties to “alpha over” as Blender for Dummies recommended and it fails no matter what order I select them it or mode I have placed the top and bottom image strips in. I have also tried the “alpha over” effect strip and it just fails. The only way the VSE allow me to pull the cube over the grid is if I adjust the properties of the image’s opacity. But this is not the correct way to do this because black is supposed to be transparent in these modes.
What am I doing wrong?