VSE help

I’m a complete noob in Blender Video sequence editor. Now that i need to compose some seqences i want to use the Blender VSE.

My problem is this:

I have 3 strips,
A - White fade to transparent
B - Text over transparent background
C - Image

Now i have an “Alpha Over” B>A to see the text over the white.

What i want to do is to see the image C behind A and B, as A fade to transparent.

How can i do this? (sorry if the explanation is clumbsy)

Thank you very much!

As i understand it http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Using_VSE#Add_.28Special.29_Effect you select the base or background strip first, then the upper, an do Add AlphaOver. Then select that strip and then the strip that is in the very top, an do another Add AlphaOver

\In your case, select the image first, then the white and Add AlphaOver. Then select the AlphaOver and the Text, and Add AlphaOver again.

Thank you very much!