I get exactly what I need with two overlapping movie strips – I just apply an Add/Replace effect strip to the pair of movie strips. But I need to mix more than two movie strips. It seems this type of effect allows for only two inputs, but is there a way to do this kind of merge?
I actually never used an effect strip to overlap movie strips - I simply animate the opacity with two keyframes:
Select the upper strip at the position it should start to appear and set the opacity to 0. Move your mouse over the opacity slider and press I. (you inserted a keyframe, visualized yellow)
then move in the timeline to the frame the “new” stip should be fully visible. Change the opacity to 1; move your mouse over the input field and press I again.
Now you animated your strip to fade in.
This technique can be used for thousands of overlapping stips…
I may have misrepresented my quest by using the term “overlapping”, because that does imply some kind of crossfade, doesn’t it. Not that I fully understand your solution yet (I will study further with the project loaded before me), but let me take another crack at defining it in case you were solving a different problem. What I want is something we do all the time in a multi-track audio mixdown:
I want the video in one strip to be “mixed” with the one(s) above it. Say I have three video strips, all one minute duration. They all begin and end at the same frame in the timeline (0:00 and 1:00 respectively). In the final render, I want all of them visible all of the time, like three audio tracks in a DAW.