VSE only using 1 core?

I have recently discovered the VSE and really like it to the point where I wan’t to replace Premiere with it (I got Premiere for free though my school, so it’s not that big of a deal.)

But currently I am rendering out my first video that I have done with it and it only appears to be using 1 core of my CPU. Is there any way to fix this? I tried setting the thread count, but I think that only changed the cycles setting.

I tried setting the thread count, but I think that only changed the cycles setting.
Thread count is for rendering the scene not the VSE
See https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?382535-Video-encoding-through-VSE-with-multithreaded-encoding-or-CUDA-acceleration
Options to increase performance http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/7738/how-to-make-vse-render-faster

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Ok, thanks. Shame VSE only uses one core to render, it took like 3 hours for me to render a 1 hour video on an i7-6700k.

Depending what is being done, multi-threading isn’t a “magic wand” solution. For example GPU rendering of models, or sequentially reading a movie from a container file are both examples where throwing more workers (CPU threads) at a problem won’t make it go any faster.

One other benefit of Blender is the availability for commercial and non-learning use, unlike most (if not all) educational licenses provided to students.