Wacky Races Cars (low polygon models for games)

Just to let you know that after I’ve finished all 11 cars (textures included), they will be available for downloading.

Updated Image 06/02/2007


Looking foward to it.

Hey they do look rather good, being as lowpoly as they are… Nice one mate

Boy, that brings back memories.
Looking forwards to downloading.

Nice. I like the Penelope Prim car and the one on the right end.

Really cool, sometimes I I don’t understand that all the vertices don’t have to be connected in an inorganic model. I’m interested in how you modeled them. Was it box modeling mainly, or poly2poly?

I likes them =)

Wow those are really detailed for being low poly! Really clean meshes too! Can’t wait to see the textures too!

I don’t connect some parts because it would generate a lot of unnecesary geometry

It depends on the car, but so far mostly box modeling.

greate, i love the design of the tree last cars.

The models are ready. Enter the textures.