Wacom Bamboo Problems =(

So i finally found my pen for my wacom and now it wont work…Like the mouse moves around only the top left hand corner of the screen and it wont click on things when i push down… Does anyone know how to fix this? Im using Windows Xp.

EDIT… The eraser part of the pen works for clicking but not the pen part…

Okay well i fixed the moving around part… Now the pressure on the pen doesnt work… I still cant click with the pen part… I can click with the eraser… Also the wacom tablet doesnt register where I touch it. Like if the mouse cursor is in the middle of my screen and i touch the corner of my wacom the mouse stays in the middle.
so frustrating =( lol

loL i love talking to myself…
I fixed the probably with the mouse movement… Now i have to fix the clicking problems… I cant draw or do anything with it now… just move around.

Have you tried the wacom support area?


I havent
I think its just my pen… Its being a total buttface… Like it works… but i have to push down on the click button on the pen… which is completely useless for me.
thanks for your feedback tho.

Wacom gives you software with your tablet that you can use to change your preferences like what button does what function.

Get the latest version of the drivers and software from Wacom and then go into the preferences and make sure everything is how you like it.

I’ve tried that… It helped a little bit. But so far it still doesnt work…

Okay I think the Plastic pen part of the Pen is broken… Because It wont click. I found the settings to change it to that and it wont register when i push down on the tablet.