Wacom Mouse Wheel

I’m having an odd problem with my Wacom Graphire 2 mouse wheel and Blender. The wheel only zooms out. It works fine with other programs. My other mouse’s wheel works fine with Blender.

Any ideas on how I can get the Wacom mouse wheel working correctly?

I’m using Blender 2.41
I’ve updated my Wacom software
I’ve tried all the settings


weird, mine does it too

my other mice however work fine

I’m glad to hear the behavior is consistent and not limited to my machine. Now to find a solution…


regardless of the application I’ve always had issues scrolling up, though never where it wouldn’t work… usually it’d go the wrong way for one tic then correctly for others.

The latest drivers did not fix the problem here either. Well, at least with the default settings.

Set the scrolling speed to “Fast” or “Very Fast”

seems kind of like a bug in blender… probably something like this

if (delta_Z > 200) zoom_in()
else zoom_out()

presumably you could have had the same effect with the older drivers by setting the number of lines scrolled higher.

I didn’t try that! Very Fast works! Thanks :smiley:


I have disabled wheeling for blender at all in WACOM configuration tool.

That’s what I was doing. Try setting the scroll speed for Blender (in the same tool) to Very Fast. It fixed the problem for me and life is easier in Blender with the use of the scroll wheel.
