Waiting for Someone

Hey guys!
So i did this low poly and something happened with the camera where the walls started not showing when i moved the camera. but, in any event, i think the image still came out pretty well. Any comments or constructive criticism, please comment. this is only my second work that I’m proud of, so i still have a ways to go :smiley:

Not bad for a second render. You might try setting smooth shading on the cup, table, and cupcake, though. If the table gives you problems when you smooth it, add some extra loops around the edge.

Are your objects very large? If so, you might be hitting the camera clipping. Select your camera and the camera tab on the properties window and try increasing the end clipping.

ok. Thanks for the tip. was trying to keep it low poly, so i was trying to avoid the smooth shading.
Thanks for the tip with the camera though. the walls were pretty big, so i’ll try that!

so here is the new version of the scene. i hope you like it :slight_smile:

Unless you’re actually going for a low-poly look, ignore this next bit.

Unless I seriously misunderstand what it does, smooth shading won’t increase your polycount - it just changes the way the object is rendered. You might have that mixed up with subdivision.

Note that I’m talking about “Smooth” under “Shading” in Object Tools on the left toolbar (the one you open with T in the 3D window), and not the modifier or vertex smoothing or any of the other twelve smoothing operations.

Anyway, I don’t think it would help the table much, but it would make the muffin and cup look a lot better.

OK, so if you are going for a low-poly look, you’re already in high-poly territory on the cup and the muffin. You might try dissolving every other edge on those, or just recreate them using circles with less vertices.