Walk cycle

I am trying to have my character walk when he moves and I have already animated a simple walk cycle, but I can’t link it to my mesh or armature with logic bricks. I’ve already tried using the ipo brick and the action brick, but none of them work. Help?

I guess you already have parented a mesh to the boneheat of your armature. Now make a keyboard sensor with a button input like “W” and make sure that pressed in the continues positive puls mode button “…” with the dots on top of the button. Now i just wrote the negative one “…”, choose the positive one. Now link the sensor to a controller and the controller to an “action” actuator and and a motion actuator.

Write the correct frames to be played and what action block that should be played. Then choose play option “play” and set the “continue” button at on (pressed). Now just add a force or location settning in the motion actuator wich looks good with the speed of the cycle. And there you go!

Hope it helped!

Alex out.