I am new to blender and, I have a problem.
I want to use Walk-O-Matic and I do everything the documentation says, but when I try to start the script
I get this message in blender that says “python script error, check console.
I then check the console, and it says “AtributeError: ‘Blender Object’ object has no attribute ‘layer’”
I installed python on my computer. Most python scripts I try to use say they have an error.
It is important that I fix this.
To you know what is wrong?
Make sure you’re using the correct version of Python; the download page at blender.org lists the versions for all except windoze which is py. 2.5.1 for Blender 2.44.
Walk-O-Matic is an old script that uses (I think) Blender 2.32 and py. 2.3.x. There was some discussion about updating it in the Python and Plugins forum about two weeks ago. Search there and see if anything came of it.