May be put a collider down in game that the npc can spawn during game.If you click on him.
I acutally intended on this only controlling the player characters.
this was originally designed simply to align a actor to a door or switch, and have them animate both, then I added navigation, and now it is starting to look like a decent base to build ai on top of.
I will work on a vision cone,
and think about what else ‘bare bones’ is needed to support proper AI.
I was think npcs i could click and program to do stuff in the bge.Do things at certain times and in response to other npc’s.Using this script.What if you could make the bad guys and good guys do things like that.
a pie menu sounds like a good idea.
Pick actor, choosing actor again opens menu for player team.
clicking a enemy unit, while controlling a friendly opens a different pie menu?
Are you going to try it?
Yeah, I am thinking a wheel of icons,
move choices = bigger wheel
I want to try and get a hang of the math anyway.
ok I got the math working, but now… how do I justify each text icon centered to it’s origin?
(I guess I will have to convert the text to mesh?)
RotateMenu.blend (519 KB)
Bump bumpity