Walther P99 (Realtime)

Hey guys, i do mostly real-time modelling, i don’t really have a good understanding of rendering and really prefer UV mapping.

Alright, here’s a model i was working on for about an hour:



214 polys altogether.

I know i know the texture job is absolutely horrible, but i couldn’t find a decent texture for it :(. If anyone could link me to somewhere where i could create my own texture for it, i’d be grateful!

C&C Appreciated!

I touched up the back, felt it was too square:


Pretty sweet looking. Would make a good game model. The texture is weird in some places but isn’t too bad. Looks like you did a good job though. UV mapping stuff like that can be hard.

When i was working on my shooter project, i modelled a ump . I think what youve done there is alright, but the texturing really needs some work, of course one hour is not a real big time span to do something but anyways, if you want a tip go to - for example http://www.heckler-koch.de/HKWebText/detailProd/1925/96/4/21 - and get yourself the gun you want to have, and then just “outline” it with vertices, if you take that image as a reference picture and model your gun perfectly fit inside that pic, you should get WAY better uv texturing results, but i will surely take longer to !
Just an idea :slight_smile: , hope it helps.


PS: Anyways i didnt really get what u ment with real time modelling, so if my comment was inadequate excuse it plz.

Thanks for the comments guys. As i said, i couldn’t find any texture for it and i have no clue how to make a texture for it, so i took a photo of a P99 and used it, i flipped the photo for the other side of course, but the top and underneath lacked as i couldn’t find a picture of those parts, so i just used the inner parts of the same picture.

What i meant by real-time modelling is the screenshot you see was taken in real-time (game engine) as i don’t like applying textures for rendering i much prefer UV texturing. :slight_smile: