Wandering patrolling AI character using only python in upbge

You need some sort of A* to create good ai, with a* there are multiple ways to go.

I got a A* based on breath first search also uses the KD_tree to find a close node, for example: you click somewhere then you can grab nodes within range ot closest node and build a path to/from it:

In this case it’s used for a tile based game, but you can rip the codes and use some nodes instead of tiles.

So now that you can create a path you simply need to make the ai behavior.

  • use path to patrol
  • use path to walk fastest way to object/player
  • along the way check if something is near or if there is an action to do before continuing the path.
  • engage the player in combat, etc.
  • return to last node used from path and continue