Want To Ask Me A Direct Question?

Hi All,

While I don’t actually know when I will be doing anymore artwork (not that I believe anyone would care, or even should for that matter), I do know that I won’t be using forums to present my artwork. However I thought it would be nice to ask the Blenderartists community if there is anyone that would actually like to ask me a direct question about anything I’ve created or posted on this forum as either 3dmad or 3dbi?

I’m open to responding to anyone’s direct questions, relating to anything I’ve posted here, so fire away. If not then of course I wish everyone happy blending.

Damien B O’Connell

The idea is that you must continuously fiddling and making stuff as of gaining experience. Even if you don’t post anything it means that in your own pace you would still doing things all the time.

Once you get to the point of thinking about making a serious project and posting it will be a matter of only putting existing things in place you already have.

Thank you for responding const, and I agree with you, I haven’t really done much artwork of my own for quite sometime now. To be honest I’m not even sure if I will return to doing 3d artwork again, although it has been something I have enjoyed doing off and on for many years now.

For me seeing, or at least feeling, how much I think my artwork, and really comments as well, get misinterpreted on forums does really mean using forums has become something I can’t really do anymore.

I may try at some point in the future to enter some other challenge like the cgboost challenge though :slight_smile: .

Happy Blending

Two things I will mention, about challenges and about critique-reviews of other people.

By watching your profile posts, I see that you have participated in a lots of challenges. Personally I consider challenges a bit of a “bootcamp” (where you go for power training to build muscle). The point is that building muscle is only one aspect of training, the other is about developing technique and mentality. The nature of “bootcamp” is doing things in a hurry just to get results and is quite the opposite for what is the ideal principle for working on projects, where there is much more prototyping phase, self-correcting procedures, multiple iterations and such.

The other thing is about about the critique of other people, or whether or not they are excited. The point is that the path-to-art is a personal journey for everybody. It does not depend on trends or fashion. However how people critique is based on trends and fashion. As for example when fidget-spinners became a worldwide hit, it would make sense we start making fidget-spinners in 3D or movies with fidget-spinners because is a trendy subject for people. But the point is that a principled artist would find this meaningless towards the big goals. As for example, as I am very interested to master the principles of world-building and level-building, making a fidget spinner would be more of only making me spend 3 hours of my day for no greater ROI towards by big goals. So this means that there is a double standard here, to create meaningful artwork, requires a ratio towards things people find interesting, and things that the creator finds interesting.

But as always these were some random thoughts on these subjects, not too important stuff.

I’ve really only entered the WC a few times actually, but it was certainly a very educational experience, perhaps even more so for me then others, as I hadn’t even spent anytime previously following it before deciding to enter it. In fact I had hardly ever interacted with artists on a creative level before entering the WC.

I guess my original reason for entering the WC/bootcamp (although I think of it more now like the “fountain of ideas” that I think help to inspire many other artists out there) was to prove to myself getting a better computer to do my artwork on would be worth it. I did eventually end-up getting a better computer, but then others in my family did quickly commandeer it for themselves, so I also brought a much cheaper one with just an integrated GPU, but it’s still far more powerful then anything I was originally using when I first started entering the WC.

Sadly a combination of other things in the real world required my full attention for quite sometime, and I think something just kinda clicked and I stopped enjoying what I had previously always enjoyed doing. Maybe it’s just old age, or maybe it’s just time to find something else I enjoy more instead.

I am in the process of doing up part of my house at the moment, but once I’ve done that I think I will try to enter the cgboost challenge, as it will also give me a little more time to work on my entries, which I do really need these days with so many other things going on in my life.

Thank you again const for taking the time to share your thoughts on things, it is most appreciated, as well as checking out my artwork. Sadly a lot of the WC artwork was lost when the forum moved over to Discourse, but you can view all my entries using the links below.


No problem at all, it helps me too think about these things from time to time.

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