WANTED: Cute and Fluffy (animation)

It’s with great anticipation I look forward to seeing what @ndy and everyone working on Project Peach will come up with in the second official open movie from the Blender Foundation.

After reading the description of the movie (“fun and furry”) at Blender.org, I thought it might be fun to have a character do a fake sort of interview for Peach and showing his reaction when he’s told they’re really looking for “cute and fluffy” animals :slight_smile:

Here’s the link to the animation.

It’s a relatively small download (2MB).

Pure Blender 2.44 rendered.

The Xvid codec was used. All audio/music by me. VirtualDub was used to merge audio/video.

Best wishes to all the Project Peach people! If there’s any way possible I can contribute something to the cause, please let me know :wink:


Wtf man… “@ndy and everyone”… geez… you’re breaking my balls, RobertT, breaking my balls. Yeah, I’ll make sure @ndy gets his coffee on time (2 sugar, no milk), but we still need to convince Lyubomir that cleaning toilets is a very respectfull job.

About your animation, you need to work on the ‘fluffy’ (normal people call it furry though), cause we’re not going for the ‘if-you-squinch-your-eyes-enough-and-look-kinda-sideways-it-could-look-like-fur look’.

See ya,

one of everyone

Actually i think the character isn’t supposed to be furry and is reacting negatively to the idea that he doesn’t fit the description.

Personally, i think he’s moving around too much. The idea is sound, tho. Since this was only done in a day or two tho i can’t really hold the animation against you :stuck_out_tongue: It could do with a spot of refinement, but then you’re recieving this from a guy who’s spent more time performing brain surgery than animating.

I love you Sago, but i was drinking soda when i read that post and now my nose burns from laughing. So thanks a lot. PS: i scrub toilets real good, can i have a job?

ok, that was short and funny, indeed but, it lacked the cute and fluffy in it… :confused:

That’s a funny little piece Robert, I really like it. It’s kind of surreal with that jazz music playing through it, and the fiery red haze. I take it you’re going for a psychiatrist beating around the bush? That’s my take on it anyway. Btw where’s the dialog from?

Just make sure you serve it in @ndy’s special cup. And blow it cool for him too. We don’t want him to scald himself. Oh. And don’t forget that he likes very light butter on his bagels.

I agree with Squiggly_P. There is simply too much movement in this clip.

The head turning-squinting cycle thing going on is too distracting, and hides the acting in this clip. As a side effect of this, the secondary motion on the ears just appeared overdone, and was also quite distracting. The lipsync could have been a bit clearer in places too.


yeah, we don’t want the community’s most valued artist to get any damage to hes hands, eyes, nor hes brain :rolleyes:

Hmmm, may need a it more time on this one Robert. My first subconscious response was “Emo, Emo…, Emo”

Lots of big moves there that don’t seem to match the voice. Some simple nods of the head would suffice for most of it.

Sago: LOL! I know with you in the project this will indeed be funny :wink: Those are great concept sketches btw! The movie will rock. As for this character, he’s actually been rejected from the audition because he’s not “cute and fluffy” enough. So he’s kind of stunned and trying to deal with it.

Squiggly_P: Thanks! Yes, this was just a few hours of work just for fun. The character’s a little nervous, as he considered himself a great actor but then felt out of sorts for not fitting the role.

Felix_Kütt: Thanks! And that was exactly the point :wink:

seabee: Thank you, seabee. The dialog is me doing a different voice with some slight pitch-shifting.

Aligorith: For about five to six hours of work (which includes modeling, rigging, and voice recording) I’m very happy with the results. This one was just for fun. The music I had recorded earlier, so that helped move things along. He’s somewhat nervous and fidgety, having just been rejected from the auditions because he wasn’t “cute and fluffy” enough. He’s not unlike some people I have seen who tend to be very demonstrative or uncertain with gestures and head movements when talking.

AndyD: Originally I had some longer dialog planned, but for every additional few seconds of animation the project time gets more involved, time I could not budget at this moment for this particular project. There are probably well over a thousand manually keyframed IPOs for this already, with the brows, upper/lower mouth, shoulders, neck, nose, ears, arms, and hands all having their own IPOs in addition to shape keys. For something like five to six hours of work I was happy to get this far and at least go from concept to this semi-animatic-like stage as smoothly as it happened. On my older desktop computer, frames appear to be occasionally dropped/stalled during playback, which makes the timing look off sometimes. I thought I had to rerender at one point, because I kept getting a half second of video delay like three seconds into playback. On my laptop it plays back smoothly, but then that has the better video card (6800) and CPU.


'ah bow to y00 mah lord 'n master! :eek: (PS. H4X0R stuff)

5 hours? Sufferin’ sailors! I need my boss to never, NEVER realize you exist!

Great stuff as usual.