War Sniper Game


i made a teamdeathmatchlike game along time ago, now i’ve repolished it and added a snipering mode,

i know the graphics arent considered great but hopefully they’ll be good enough for u to give it a shot. the team AI and gameplay is whats special here.

you can DL it at
(.exes made in blender 2.25)
thanks for hosting erwin :smiley:

.blends here, designed for blender 2.25, does not work in 2.41

heres some pics



Wow pretty cool. Fun little game and the AI seems very good.

Looks pretty cool, i would really like to try it, but I am a mac user, and EXE’s don’t work for me :frowning: .

Nice work ineedanewbi. Plenty of action and as MagicMan said, great AI. Hadn’t seen the first one until now. Very good!


probably the most playable blender game i’ve ever seen :slight_smile:

Wow, that is so awsome. Very playable.

Also sniping mode is great (a little problem with the sound, it would skip a sound effect if you shoot too fast, probably something within blender that’s out of your hands)

Little things aside, I really like what you have done. Keep it up.[[/i]


Inspires me

Can you post .blend for mac users?

good :wink:
i have downloaded it , when at home i will see it

I like this Shooter. not much detail but very playable and fun and funny.
Maybe you should make a tut about this game.
And make the characters more animated(like moving there legs)

here are the .blends for those who use macs and for those who want to learn how to make the AI.

unfortunatly you will need blender 2.25 to play it, i’ve tested it in blender2.41, on windows xp, it opens but when u try to play it, ppl keep dieing and it pretty much freezes, maybe its something in the python code.

.blends here

How the AI works

(if you’re not a bit familiar with python, i woudlnt attempt this, you can learn more about python with the links from the sticky tuturials)

at the moment, every character gets their own script and annouces their xyz location to GameLogic, ei

GameLogic.Red1 = own.getPosition()

everyones script will also compare their distances with all other players using their position and its own position


Each bot has 4 track to actuators to track on to the 4 opponents, using if statments you can activate the correct track to actuator and have the bot look at the closest enemy. refresh rate of this script is about every 2 seconds

the ai bot jumps to dodge shots when an enemy bullet is seen with a radar infront of it. it also jumps when it is unable to see the closest oppoent after about 15seconds, so that if theres a wall it can jump over it.

the bots have random motions, side strafe left right, advance closer or stop, when far from opponent, it will run closer more and strafe less, when closer to opponent, it will strafe more and advance less, this can be done with math.getRandomFloat() and using if statments

using a ray, if it sees an enemy property such as “blue” it will shoot.

thats pretty much it, the rest is simple logic bricks, theres also an accuracy script in the .blends for the sniper game.

hope that info was helpful

Yay that rocks! As the others said the gameplay is pretty good!
(well I hate the qwerty keys but I can handle it)

I’ve taken a look at your code. You must have wasted a lot of time copying-pasting-modifying, didn’t you? You know there are ways to improve your code so as to make one AI script for all the bots, use a random number of bots without changing the code… I can’t really explain it now, I have some researchs to do about it and I must sleep now. Maybe I’ll deal with it tomorrow.

(for example you could place the bots in a list, use a sorting algorithm instead of scripting all those comparisons, you can also remove the sqrt() when getting the distance : it is useless here as the squares of the distances are in the same order as the distance - well this optimization is not so useful here as there is not much stuff to compute but it’s worth telling it. Well I’ll explain it better next time;))

Dude, what a great game. I don’t care about the graphics as long as the game is fun, and your game is great fun I played it for around half an hour. It would be really cool to see that game with textures and animations. Its definatly the most fun game I have ever played made with blender.


Better games :slight_smile:

I like the new artistic style. I suggest you stick with it and use hardly any textures. It would be REALLY nice if you used radiosity.

pretty cool, but for me (i am using a mac) the mous is WAY WAY WAY too sensitive.

is anyone else having this problem?

Same mouse problem here, but the game looks fun. It’s got a nice fast pace to it. I wish there was a really good cross platform mouselook script, since this happens with all of the mouse controlled demos I download here.

you can manually change the mouse sensitivity by opening the .blend and using editing the text files, “xtext” and the variable “slow” and the varibale “mousesens” in the “ytext2”

thanks for the comments, it would be awesome if someone could turn this into an online internet game to play with friends… i probably wont do it though, i dont know enough and i’m lazy

I found a cheat…enter sniper mode w/ rmb and hit home to restart, and you have a crosshair :slight_smile:

i took this game and decided how i could mamke it better and i came up with texture it and add a start menu so i id this. now i know it’s already textured but they were really just blocks of colour. so i set about making some different textures. and the texturing is not very good but then again i did not spend much time on it. so to download the textured version go here http://www.filefront.com/13948636/war4x4 sniper textured.zip. oh and by the way ineedanewbi amazing game.