Made this in Blender for a Reddit monthly contest, then edited it in GIMP. You can watch me make it on my YouTube channel in my speed art section or by clicking this link
There are some good things about this, but there are a couple things you should do to the grass:
if you increase the step value of the emmitor in particle buttons, your grass will have more segments, so it will be more curvy and less angular.
also, you can adjust the taper of the ‘hair’ and how much it fades toward the tip. I am not sure how to do this in cycles, but for BI it is located in the materials buttons.
(edit) and welcome to blenderartists forum.
Hi Modron, thats brilliant advice, i’ll use the step value in the emmiter next time (i didn’t know it did that!) and taper it. I’ve just started using the particles emmitter in Blender so still feeling my way around it, but that advice will really help me! Love the Trolls by the way