Watching Coffee Creamer Dissolve

Hi All,

Is it just me, or is there some kind of strange attraction to watching coffee creamer dissolve and spin into your cup?

I like to lump quite a bit in and it floats for a short while then the edges fall off, like a slowly diminishing island. It always seems to pick up some kind of spin too.

Try poring in coffee milk powder, let it rest, then sugar, and watch it flip over!

if you want to see something really cool, leave a gallon of aluminum flake paint out in the sun with the top off for awhile. When it starts to heat up it sort of rolls in on itself. Very hypnotic. Don’t watch too long though, because open paint makes fumes!

Did you know that powdered coffee creamer is explosive? You can breathe fire by taking a huge mouthful, keep it dry and blow it over a flame. It doesn’t burn unless it’s airborne so there is no danger of it burning your mouth. It’s a great party trick, but it’s a tad frightening how fast it burns.

I do the same thing as Richcolburn, but instead of blowing it out of my mouth, I shake a small amount out of the container over a cigarette lighter. If you really feel adventurous…



It doesn’t explode, it just burns. It won’t burn if it’s in a pile, it HAS to be airborne.

I enjoy watching it spin too. Does anyone know why it spins?
Also, burning coffee creamer is very fun.

I’m gonna get me some coffee creamer! When I’m bored of getting burnt I can settle down with a coffee and watch it dissolve. Exciting stuff!

Well, since even the smell of coffee gives me severe headaches instantly, I guess I’ll have to stick to an old favorite: rubbing alcohol, a 5 gallon bottle and a match.

:no: Render-times are really long this week, huh? :wink:

It seems to me that you guys are very observant and can see these changes. I have never noticed this.