Just curious to see what everybody’s opinions are on this render. I’ve spent almost a week on this and I feel like I haven’t quite gotten the result I wanted. I want something feature worthy so give me your honest opinions please.
I definitely like that concept. I love how it tells a story. A few areas I would work to improve on would be:
skull textures: the texture looks like a noise texture for the bump map combined with a cavity map. The bump map looks too uniform. You may want to combine it with some other textures.
Your skull looks like one piece. In reality the skull is many bones. Adding a texture for the sutures of the skull could help to achieve that effect.
the cobwebs look like alpha mapped planes. I would get a better texture in which you can isolate the cobwebs from the background more and thus break the plane-like look
The newpaper looks like one object instead of pages. I am not suggesting to make individual pages but I think more attention needs to be directed at convincing the viewer it is paper. Perhaps a less blurry texture on the ends of the object and a thinner overlap could help. Unless it’s a magazine and it’s got a thicker binding. In that case, I would crease the edge between the binding and the rolled up part more
I like the first image which has a blue tint but it may be a little overblown
Wow thanks! You found most if not all of the things that I couldn’t seem to find. Thank you!!! I’ll see what I can do! If anybody has a better cobweb texture please share it with me! I could’t find any decent cobwebs so I made my own using a bunch of different brushes in gimp. The newspaper will be a challenge but I’ll try my best. Thanks again!
I have a suggestion. draw a plane. delete 2 adjacent vertices. You’ll be left with two vertices only. Subdivide the line. Then using proportional editing select one vertices and rotate along z axis in the direction of other. The more you subdivide the smoother u’ll get. Then scale it along the length. convert it into a curve. make 2-3 duplicates with same center and random rotation. extrude them along z axis. u’ll get a nice paper roll effect.
I may be wrong. but make similar curves and u may get the look of an actual paper roll.
Thanks! I have been thinking about a similar idea. It’s really hard right now because rendering takes like an hour for a relatively clear (low noise) image, for a full noiseless render it takes 3 hours. I’ll probably work on stuff in separate scenes and append them into the main scene.
Use Renderfarm (it is closed till 7th of this month).
Upload ur blender file to sheepit-renderfarm. They will render it for you… It is really free of cost and takes 30 min to render a 1920x1080 scene with 2000 samples
New update!!! Would love to hear every little critique, I’m sick right now and have plenty of time to work on this scene. I’ve been working on this off and on for about a month now, and am ready to commit to the last bit of work to get this feature worthy.
I took the cobwebs out because I couldn’t quite get them right. If anybody can help me with that, that’d be great! Thanks!
Render with post-pro, 1366x768, 750 samples, took 5 hours to render.