water animation

so im messing around with my fluid animations now…and one thing i want to do is to have a 3d logo come up through a pool of liquid…with the dripping and parting and such things as would happen, dont exactly know how to do this. Infact, im having trouble even getting the pool of fluid to work right… Someone want to tell/show me how?

Well all you need to do is set your logo as a obstacle and have a box set as fluid, then you can animate the logo rising out of the box of fluid. Also you might want to enable particles in the fluid sim, and increase the resolution, does this help at all:confused:

would I still need a box for the domain?

in fact you can use any form but blender will always use a cube of the size of this form. for example if you takes a sphere domain it will be a cube which with the size of your sphere. you understand? but nothing prevent you to use an object (a sphere, a tube, a duck) as an obstacle has to fill. I think that it is necessary to notch the option Init Shell for a tube for example.

Sorry if you don’t understand my reply. I’m french and have some difficulty to express myself in the shakespear language :wink:

I too am a bigginer when it comes to liquid, but I think you still need a domain. I have never done a pool of water so I can’t tell you how to place the liquid box and domain.

You always have to have a domain, that way blender knows the area for the fluid simulation. no little droplets may leave the area.