Water Bottle Concept


It has been some time since my last post - mainly because the renders in here are getting pretty great and I do not want to share all the crap I make then…

This was originally made for a school project to fix the problems with resin getting all over handball players’ water bottles, when they drink from them. I did not have much time to finish it, so I have taken some shortcuts here and there - Mainly, just ‘smacking’ on some random textures for the trails of the droplets, instead of making the trails accturly fit the locations of the droplets…

The materials are made with CynicatPro’s awesome PBS shaders! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rImvyRepx1U)



The render is really great :smiley: I’m having trouble figuring out how it works thought :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! :smiley:

Well… The idea is that when you play handball, the palm of your hand is the place with most resin, but it is also the part of the hand which touches the water bottle - Soooe. When using the back of your hand (or the back of your fingers) to hold the bottle, by pushing outwards with your fingers and thumb inside the two holes, less resin will get in contact with the bottle.

Hope it makes sense… :slight_smile:

That makes sense! pretty smart :wink:

It doesn’t seem like it can hold much water, but it looks really cool.

That’s right - But we made the bottle is a bit bigger than a normal water bottle. It can hold about 645 ml.

And thanks! :smiley: