I have spent two days in a row now trying to fix my water simulation and I really can’t find the problem.
I have made a spring where the water has to descend some steps and to make it easier on myself i decided to mirror the object. When I add the water simulation in my main real project file it either bakes really fast without doing anything at all or the water starts breaking physics and is hovering places where it shouldn’t. I applied the mirror to see if that would help but it didn’t.
I’m currently using an inflow and I remembered to make the domain large enough to cover the entire spring. The spring itself it also an obstacle and so is the plane under it.
In order to save bake time I scaled the entire thing down to test it in the attached file. Here I just appended the spring and plane into a new file where I got some water working. I made a test with a quick staircase similar to the other i built and the water worked 100% as expected. Then when I switched it out with the real spring it worked the first two or three bakes (where everything was scaled down). When I saw everything was working I decided to scale and shape the inflow a bit more to make it wider to get a better simulation and that’s when the weird things started to happen.
It’s like if I bake too many times it just bakes nothing for all the frames or my Blender crashes (and I got a decent pc so it shouldn’t be the problem… happened with my friend’s power house of a pc as well). And when it does bake the physics go haywire most of the time. I also only bake 30 frames to save time.
The weird thing is that I could do a lot of quick fluid simulations in a row but as soon as my more complex structure comes in it acts strange.
It’s going to be put in a temple scene so the best would be if I could have a continuous flow to fill up the spring or have it filled up quite fast, of course with an outflow but I wanted the inflow to work first.
I really appreciate if you guys have the time to help out and give some tips. Thanks in advance
WaterTest.blend (607 KB)