ive been investigating water textures for the game engine and its proved quite complex. for a start water is obvioulsy clear and a desent 1 level texture is pretty much impossible.
i’m putting it on hold as well cos i dont have the time or the software at the moment sorry.
I forgot who i’d said i’d do it for so im posting this here.
Here is an image of an island model I created for the game engine.
Create a plane for the water surface and another for the ocean floor. I recommend using a transparent texture for the water surface. You can paint a random pattern in Photoshop (or Gimp) and apply a Chrome filter to it. Presto, a caustic pattern. Now vertex paint the ocean floor with a dark blue color. This plane will make the transparent surface appear a medium blue. Model your island and the surrounding ocean floor. Vertex paint the base of the island (the underwater part) to match the surrounding ocean floor. Vertex paint just below the surface with a sand color.
Another possibility is to create a series of planes with different levels of transparency.
it was me steve! :Z …ahh, thats cool…ill experiment with it…possibly…i dunno i already have enough work, so if anyone else would be up to the challenge, fell free to try. oh well, ill have some good animated water by the end of production…i like the idea erich, but is it animated? my game WILL have animated water! :< …oh and by the way, thanks for atleast trying to get it to work steve…