Water textures

I need help with making good looking water, if anyone can help I would appreciate it. I need some water for a fountain im making, but I can’t get any good water effects. Thanks for the help :smiley:

unfortunetly the only thing I can reccomend is:
the general ocean view (this may help)

for caustic effects:

for the fresnel effects like what happens with shimmering water:

oh and also play with the IOR to mimic the lens effects of water (you will have to use raytracing).

then you have wave motion bouncing off the edges, however you have been rather vague so this is all i can really say.

(well at least it is a start)

added later
here is a tutorial creating an ocean scene with houdini with renderman

I think what is inteesting is the use of a noise texture to generate the waves (i think that he used a displacement shader) but you can download te texture he used and try to generate a similar one in the GIMP).

Hey thanks for the links. There sorta what Im lookin for but in need more of a rippling rushing water effect. Like is said, Im making a fountain and so the water is going to be moving pretty fast. Need like a water fall tut or something. But thanks anyways. :wink:

Check the “Other Software” threads for a prog called “Caustics Generator”. (Win only :frowning: ).
It can make tilable animated images that resemble the pattern you see on the bottom of a pool. It can output this in greyscale, which can be used for bump or dispacement mapping of the surface of the water. Meta-balls parented to particle emitters may work for the fountain.
