Watercolor or Marker toon shader issues Akira Toriyama style

Im trying to get the borders of the toon shader created by the color ramp to look more jagged like a brush or marker. I can’t figure out to plug in the color ramp to a noise without destroying the normals which causes weird lighting affects. Open to suggestions.

Also not sure if he used marker or watercolor. Hard to see from the available images.

The colors are also super different per original sources.

You can mix a factor into the ramp, such as a noise node.

(Just a simple example. You could also use an image map for the source instead of the noise node, or more complex noise, etc.)


Thanks so much that solved the fuzzy ramp part. The only other part would be a cavity base line shader. The problem with the grease pencil lineart is it doesn’t highlight all cavities.

Might be one of those situations where you need to select an edge(s), and mark it as Freestyle to force ink to always be placed there.

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I was hoping there was some sort of cavity option you could do either in the color shader or the grease pencil.

Within native Eevee, no. Goo engine does have a node that works for cavity shading (to some degree), but to be honest I don’t use it for ink corrections.

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Marking an edge as sharp also works, or adding an edge creases, there’s at least three ways to force an edge to always be inked


Oh, definitely.

And yeah, I recommend those sorts of things. Ink algorithms do ok-ish (some better than others) for auto placement, but manual assignment is usually rather easy + a predictable, controllable result.

Trying to keep ink assignment set, based on topology angles that may not be consistent… that’s just asking for pain.


Whats goo engine? This isn’t reallly optomized for games. So the topology sucks. Just quad remeshed in nomad

It’s a custom build of blender, which adds several features for shading.


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So I was talking to ninja toaster who got a realtime shader working, He uses inverted hulls which have in the bottom and grease pencil, with conversion to 3d to mesh. He did something with the geo nodes on the inverted hull to make them change line weight. THe fanciest thing I figured out was to use weight painting to make lines thicker at the base of the character. Image on the left is combination of hull and freestyle. Not sure how to set up the greasepencil for drawing lines that stick to the character. And I do want to autorig him too