WC #102 Entry - "When Chrome Sphere Met Reflective Cube

It was by chance one clear summers day when Chrome Sphere happened to meet Reflective Cube while in a local field.

They had both been out picking flowers and enjoying the day when their hands met while reaching for the same flower. They both jumped with initial fright at the touch. But at the same time, were intrigued and mystified by the warmth that they felt between each other.

It was as if they were meant to be together. They were as one.



Weeee…I can’t belive it…they finally became

(The reason I’m shouting that out loud its because of the
quarreling they had with each other last year)




lol nice ones

But wasn’t the Cube going out with the Plane? Damn, I’m confused…

Never thought I’d ever see the Chrome Sphere and Reflective Cube in a serious piece…

lol thats great I thought this was gonna be some cheap newb render (didnt look who the poster was). Really like it. :smiley:

Man, that made me laugh.

But one of them should have more girlie hands so it doesnt look so… umm… gay?

Good picture.

Love it ! Good idea !! There is just a problem with the sky, it could be turned 90° right

Very nice :slight_smile:

Good luck for the contest!


very nice, you should make a little movie about it

LOL! Me either. But the idea just popped into my head and I had to do it.

HAHA! Guess I’m back to being a noob! :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe they are gay! :o Not that there is anything wrong with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I played with the World setting, but it came out this way and it took long enough to render anyway, so I Left it as is.

S68: Thanks.

If I knew anything about animation, I would try. But I know squat, so probably not.

Thanks for the comments all.


i don’t think its there hands i think its their feet.

the sphere is obviously either the woman or the feminine gay partner in the relationship.



nice! It’s a bit simple, but it’s still great. I love the grass! How’d you do it?

Wow, I laughed hard at that one… it’s great, I absolutely love it!


It is indeed simple. But that is what I was going for. A simple image that conveyed a fairly strong message. I think I managed to do it.

As for the grass, it was done using Beast python script.
