WC #105 Light (Bulb)

Heres one of the many scenes i might enter into the WC. I went KISS on this one. Its the smallest source of lights we evolved humans have.




C&C pls

That’s awesome! I agree that it looks a bit bright. I’d love to see it in a scene…lighting up a table top or something like that…<hint hint>

you forgot to turn OSA “on” :wink:
Very good job on modelling, but without a scene, it’s not (yet) an appealing entry. Waiting to see more :slight_smile:

Unless you’re aiming for a cartoony effect, this light bulb doesn’t cut it yet. If you look at a real light bulb, you’ll see the bulb isn’t a solid white. It’s actually almost a yellowish color, and gets to be a dark grey near the base.

PlantPerson: the lightbulb i used as reference is one of those “true light” bulbs. The show true pigments unlike those yellow bulbs. I plane on doing the blender logo but with the outline being the bulbs. you know like a business sign or something.

I don’t understand this statement… the LED is the smallest common light source, not the bulb. You’ve seen those everywhere, on you computer, your car radio… There are others that can be smaller, but usually radioactive.

Honestly…it looks ok.
I give it a 5 out of 10 and here is why.

1.Looks like it needs more anti-aliasing.
2.Threads look wrong.

In the scene im doing you wont be able to see the thread.


I plan to actually use color lights.

Ohhh, that’s what I had started to model. Oh well. I think we have different uses for it. But I am curious how you made the threads. I used the screw button, but I had trouble at teh ends. How did you do yours, if you don’t mind telling me?


looks like they dont actually screw…

Ya they arent screwed at all. Its just some extrusion and scaling thats all with subsurf on 3.
Im kinda in trouble on this scene. after about 100 of those lil bulbs my PC goes dumb which kind of ruins my idea
i wanted to the whole blender logo in just colored bulbs

Hey i have a problem with my WC.
It has 1 million vertices and faces.

I have a Gig and a half of Ram and blender wont render my scene. How can i fix this.

Did you try linked duplicates?

Why so many verts?

Could we see the wireframe?

subsurf on 3

That’s way to much for that.

this is a real light bulb
