Here’s my first weekend contest entry, blender raytraced, captions and the fade on the edges were made with the gimp. The topic was “industry”.
Funny pic. Overall in my opinion your pic looks nicely done. I like the texture job. Good luck in the contest.
I really like this one. Good idea and well executed. The materials and textures are fantastic. Nice work.
ook, what a great concept It made me laugh. Excellent modeling, work on the materials, and overall composition.
I like that there is no sharp edges, looks better that way imo.
I would like to see a radiocity render of that!
Fantastic idea and well modelled and rendered.
Would be nice to see the skunk squirming a bit though. Looks very static right now.
Thanks for the nice comments! Noone has any crits? It can’t be perfect, right? 8)
Would be nice to see the skunk squirming a bit though. Looks very static right now.
Thanks for the idea, but that’s how he’s ment to look. He has just a bit too confidently come to see what’s the weird noise all about in front of his homecave, and got caugh. He’s embarrassed (also about the smell :D) and resigned, and hopes that he would be left alone soon if he just hangs there quietly for a few minutes.
I made this closeup-render of the conveyer and bottles to see if blender raytracing could do both reflections and alpha together (It can’t yet, it seems, please correct me if I’m wrong). It came out so nice I decided to post it here. I’m also a bit proud of the details here, though it’s very simple modelling.
You know, there definitely comes a point where you just sit back, relax, and enjoy a good joke. “This one’s a wrap,” and definitely a whimsical entry. Humor sells.
LOL. I think this could really do well for it’s style. The only flaw I’d see it for it going on tv would be the shadows being too sharp
Wow thanks!
What’s the best way to do blurry / non-sharp shadows with raytracing? Using an arealight instead of a spot?
I’ve tried arealights but I often didn’t like the results. I’ve tried Yafray renderings but I HATE the render speeds. Might sound been-there-done-that but up to now the technique that has worked best for me is dupliframing a spotlight.
I suggest you to add area light with very small (but not inimal) square size, it shoud work out… Very like your pic
If you want blurry shadows, why use raytracing?
For all the shiny cool stuff of course.
But you don’t have to raytrace the lights?