WC Entry - Galileo's Ghastly Galleon

Here’s my entry thus far (Click the thumb to see the whole image):


And the story:

“…yeah yeah yeah I know, but here’s the really weird part…its headed right for Earth…”

C + C please…I forgot to mention that. Oooops… I’d like someone to say something about it…the challenge ends this weekend!

cool, but you cant see much.

maybe zoom in a little, and use a slight halo on the light, so it shines through the rigging?

The idea is that the picture is taken from a great distance away as if this thing just sailed in from outer space. The light you’re looking at is already just a regular spot with the halo turned on. Thankyou very much for your reply.

maybe make it a little transparent? it would add to the gohstocity…

Hey I missed that %|
Looks nice, aside from the comments mentioned I would consider adding a texture to the spot (not just one color, maybe use a clouds texture) also if its supposed to be a shot of outerspace add in stars and maybe some space clouds (or whatever you call them)
:smiley: (compition!!!) :smiley:

There are actually some stars there, they’re just very faint. More true to reality actually. If you were in space looking at something as bright as the sun, you’d likely not be able to pick out any stars at all.