WC Entry - Mad Scientist Lab

The Story:

“After a tragic accident in the univerity laboratory, Dr. Neil Smiley became horribly disfigured by radiation. The accident caused a permanent skin colour change and made his mouth permanently fixed into a smile. He went insane due to his disfigurement and has endevoured to recreate his original face through insane experimentation on the human skull. To this date he has yet to find a suitable facial recreation and as a result, has increasingly become more and more, insane…”


Click the thumbnail to see the full image.


Freaky… and cool image. :slight_smile:
want to see it wireframe…

Your idea scares me . . . and yet attracts me. Very cool. 2:1 odds that you’ll win. Sorry, I just watched the Kentucky Derby for the first time.

How many teeth does that guy have?! Very insane-looking


Hehe, just kidding.

Great job!

Did you model all of those faces just in the past couple of days? Your skills are honed man.

  • Ross

bgDM rocks again… very scary character! so good job

That looks really great. Makes me wonder what’s behind that zipper?

Great texturing and lightning.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

RiNiK: I will try and get you a wireframe tomorrow. THis is on my laptop and I can upload that at work tomorrow.

NQE1: Thanks. I’ll take those odds any day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Friday13: Tons of teeth. He has been transformed by the radiation, so I guess you can attribute it to that.

shbaz: LOL. I didn’t mean it like that man. Sorry. I still like the way yours is coming along though. Thanks man.

Cyanid: Thanks.

Hippie: I ain’t looking under that zipper. :o :wink:


Great entry BgDM. Those teeth or very well done. :slight_smile:

Wow, nice job, kool idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

it was rendered very well

nice, dude! that rocks!

Hahaha that’s hilarious, and awesome :smiley:

I like!



duuude awesome work…


Thats awesome work…the standard of these chalenges is rising and rising, I gatta start working more before I fall behind :expressionless:

good job


Really cool - and weird! :smiley:

three-dee: Thanks.

zgm-html: Thanks as well.

Nathan: I think you mean post-processed very well. :wink: Thanks man.

Modron: Thanks man.

mr_bomb: Thanks.

Enriq766: Thanks to you too.

basse: Thanks for the cold one mate!

Rolando: Thanks.

mystery00: THanks man. Just keep on plugging at your work. You will see yourself improve with every piece you do.

thoro: Thanks man.


Very well done, BgDM. Excellent character!
Looks like a winner to me :slight_smile:
