here’s a first stab at this week’s wc. I’ll be adding some more stuff to it tomorrow.
Gorgeous render. What are the impressions on the lower right?
gorgeous material work
looks ausome. great render.
thanks guys.
here’s a small update. I’m still trying to find a way to make the bullet holes more noticable…
does anyone know how to bake fluid sim and/or dupliframe models into an actual mesh?
edit: bigger/sharper render added
Very nice work.
I especially like the materials, except for maybe the “tin foil” like material on the top and bottom of the “canister”.
To convert a frame of the fluid simulation to a mesh you can use a script from the wiki fluid simulation page (Limitations & Workarounds) section.
For the Dupliframe conversion, I believe the hot key is Ctrl+Shift+[a].