I got kind of a late start, but I thought I’d do something for the Weekend Challenge. Here is the fearsome beast that will be gaurding the entrance to something. Probably a cave.
cave added. now to add rocks and a gruesome skull.
Any suggestions?
A facial expression would help a lot. Are they surprised? Angry, fearful, etc. Is something coming in, running away, etc. Is the monster postman there with the delivery of snackables?
maybe I could work in some quick eyebrows.
Eye shape can be use instead of actual eyebrows, or brow formation. Needn’t be extreme. Lower his head a bit, like a dog when he starts to growl at you, the eyes looking up slightly, or off to the side warily. One side of his mouth could be raised in a snarl. The skull could be between his teeth. Put him in a slightly forward crouch like he’s prepared to spring at the first hint of someone approaching.
I don’t think I’ll get as far as rigging him but here’s an eyebrow
Eyebrows are a start, though a bit comical as well. You can do some poses without a rig, just use shape keys and proportional editing.
It seemed a little stark so I added some alpha mapped foliage textures I made using lsystem.
Don’t know
reminds me of Tasmania devil
Perhaps you can use this reference to pose like it…I guess
Try to pull the upper lip up to make it look even more angry. You can see that on dogs and wolves when they want to be intimidating.
thanks for the comments, guys. He’s already been entered into the contest, so I can’t do anything more to him, but the snarling lip idea is good. @ megastor, I agree, he kind of looks like a devil, but also has wombat and hyena characteristics.